Buoyancy in games

B 1B 2B 3B 4Still a little ricketeystabilisersFinal boat design and load

This game also has water-based physics. By constructing a raft in game, and then loading it with objects that have rather large weight, we can see for ourselves what effect buoyancy has in-game.

B 7 lolr


As the boat was slowly sinking in the last picture, the arrows have been drawn accordingly. Sadly, although the objects possess mass, it is beyond me to know how it can be measured. The moment the planks the objects were sitting on touched the water, however, the extra upthrust provided proved sufficent to level off the raft’s position

Falling Particles in a game – 2

First, we fiEquation 1nd our variables. These are s= 464, t=2.3 and u=0 as we already know it drops from standstill.  WE find a suitable equation. Then rearrange to get out variable, a. Then substitute in what we know. This answer is likely off because of some delay in measurement. But the method is sound

Falling particles in a game

Acc v 1Acc v 2Acc v 3Acc v 4Acc v 5Acc v 6

Many games nowadays have their own physics engines. As such, with a set up like this and a stopwatch, we can calculate the acceleration of a Ball as it fall through the game environment. Refering to the second image, we know each square to be 25 cm^3 . Given there are 29 such parts, the simple equation 16*25 gives us s, the displacement. Friction is Zero due to the easy modification of the object’s friction using the game’s tools. so now the particle will only interact with the force of gravity. Knowing that it took about 4.24 seconds to fall, how can we calculate its acceleration?

The monkey experiment

This chap is testing the effect of gravity on similar objects:


So why do the canonballs fall at a constant rate? They are all under the same force of gravity, so vertically, they there isn’t any difference in their accelerations meaning that if they start at the same height, they’ll get to the same y-axis place at the same time.

Diagonal movement of Particles

DP 1DP 2DP 3DP 5DP 4

We are given the distance the particle travels horizontally and vertically. What may also be said is that the triangle is inclined at 30 degrees to the ground. Were we not given the lengths, basic trigonometry could’ve been used to calculate the distance travelled vertically and horizontally.

My hobbies

I am an avid video game player. To some this hobby has absolutely no grounds or basis in the laws of physics – right?

A perfect orbit of 3 planets in a planetary body simulator, Universe sandbox

Not  quite true, exactly.

Kerbal Space Program

That’s not to say every game is a perfect facsimile of real life;
Some games do physics really well – others…
A popular game that needs no introduction. I personally don't play it.

Aren’t designed with proper virtual physics to heart